Friday, August 5, 2011

Greetings from Asheville, NC

Down south in the Tennessee & North Carolina Blue Ridge mountains for the weekend. My parents have moved from the charming, historic Savannah up to vibrant and exciting Chattanooga. I've always felt at home in the mountains, and the view during my flight to Chattanooga was just breathtaking. Mom and I took a little road trip up to Knoxville to visit YeeHaw Industries Letterpress Studio (pictures to come) and had a great lunch at the Tomato Head. We are in Asheville for the weekend for the first Ladies of Letterpress Conference. I'm so excited to learn and to meet other ladies in the industry. Mom and I are sitting in my favorite bookstore/coffeeshop, Malaprops, catching up emails, but are about to poke around Asheville before the letterpress festivities start.  I likely will be tweeting during the conference so feel free to follow my tweets. Happy weekend! 



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