Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reasons to Love New York (City)

Its actually pretty funny now that I think about it. My first encounter of New York Magazine was a mere 3 years ago, December of 2006 when I was a senior in college interning in the city at a magazine. I saw the "Reasons to Love New York" issue and being the hopeless romantic that I am, I loved the concept & cover art.

I still love New York Magazine, probably even more so now. I was so excited to see on the Daily Intel portion of the website that they are asking people to contribute to the 2009 issue which is focusing on the kindness of strangers. What an amazing opportunity to say thank you to those whose kindness has meant so much. As optimistic & cheesy as I am, I have high hopes that perhaps someone reading will be able to think "Wow, that was me."

Here is the link with the info:




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